Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thematic Parks

Article 1: Introduction

Ok. Thematic parks first of all, are parks that consist in mechanical attractions, or the great number of the attractions are mechanical, some attractions are like very little parks, that ones that you see that are made in wood, but bigger. Also, the must of the thematic parks are very huge, Bogota's thematic parks are huge, but compared with others like Magic Kingdom and all taht, located in Orlando, well, they are not bad, but, there is no comparition, but Bogota's ones are no so bad.

The must principal thematic parks in Bogota, are two. Both are located in the North part of Bogota. They are called ''Salitre Magico'' and ''Mundo Aventura''. They are the must huge and best parks in Bogota, because their atrtactions and number of people that goes in a day. Generally, the moment in which they are must full are in the weekends. Both have very good attractions and also pretty good service. Salitre Magico has attractions like the Bogota's Bank Rollercoaster or the Castle of Terror.

Mundo Aventura is also pretty cool, it has exciting attractions like the ''Tronquitos'' that is a water attraction, and also the Sky Jump.  Well in Bogota there are also more thematic aprks, but well, must of them are really, really small, and are located inside malls or in another place, and for me, their attractions aren't really exciting, because they are more like for little children.

Article 2: Meu ponto de vista e experiencias pessoais (My Point Of View and Personal Experience)
Well, for me, Mundo Aventura and Salitre Magico are awesome, well as I said before, they can not be compare with U.S.A or Europe ones, it canot be, it canot be! But both are really cool, they are no so bad, I mean, for me they have good attractions with good service, the must of the times, and in restaurants, there are hot dogs or donuts, and drinks and other things. But for me, Salitre Magico is better than Mundo Aventura, I'am not saying Mundo Aventura is bad or stinks, no, is that, for me Salitre has best attractions, it has more rollercoaster, the Castle of Terror is awesome, Th Hammer, Crashing Cars, Apocalypse, I don't know if that is the real name of the attraction but is kind of that, and also the Samsung Wheel, I don't like it very much, bt it is good, and also, they opened a new rollerdcoaster nems Tornado, that is awesome, it doesn't last to much but is is really good. 
What I like the most of Mundo Aventura are like the Tronquitos, Sky Jump, and other attractions that I don't remember their names, but are good. Is that, the difference is that Mundo Aventura has more ecological attractions or somethign like that, I mean they ahve and attraction that is to see some statues of indians, and well, for me that is boring, but Salitre is more extreme, oh, also another excellent attraction of Salitre is the giant cymbal, it is awesome.
Well I haven't had a bad experience in any of them. I have never lost or throw up or clasical accidents that happen in them. Iam not saying, again, that there had been accidents like this last ones in them, unitl I know. But well, I have only small and few critics about my experiences in them, because, if we count the good ones, we will last forever saying them. To Salitre I have only two critics, one is for the Castle. A day I went with a friend we were literally kicked out because we start running in the castle, but we weren't running so fast, and a guard took us out because of that, and well, for me, if they scare you, I think that the first thing a person will do is shout and run, so that is kind of a foolish rule. The other one is for the big crashign cars, the same day, I had to wait 1 hour to play, because the problem was not the people that wanted, but the great number of cars that were damaged, and the worst thing is that each 2 or 3 plays, a car damaged, so it was more sifficult. In Mundo Aventura, I have one, that is that for me it is to infantile, I think that there has to be more adult attractions like more rollercoasters or something like that, because the must epople that go there are like adults or teenagers.
Article 3: Conclusão
Well, in generally, Bogota don't have too much thematic parks, but with the ones it has is really good, I'am not sure, that's why I didn't mentioned this one before, but there is an aquatic park name ''Cici Aquapark'' but Iam not sure if it is a thematic park, any way, I don't like this one, because, for me is too dangerous. I dont' want to metion accidents taht had happened there. It has a children part and a adult part, in the adult there are the most crazy water tobogans of Bogota, and there is a wave pool, in kids there are tobogans really smalls and boring for me.
Also, the small parks, that are located inside the malls, aren't so good, but well, I don't expect them to be the competency of Salitre or Mundo Aventura, because they have small attractions and all that I said before. But they are not so bad, what I like the must of them are the machines in which you can win a toy or something to eat, even if no one ever catch something, is really fun to try.
To conclude, for me Salitre and Mundo Aventura are very good parks in Colombia, but personally the park that I must like in Colombia, is the Coffe Axis park, located in Quindio, because it's huge, very very huge, and it has shows of dancing or something like taht, and something that I am proud of it is that now days you can see people from U.S.A, Europe, or Australia that comes to visit it, and for me that is one justification that shows taht Colombia now is better, but well that is other story. Bogota parks are good, have good attractions, and if they work harder, they can transformed in a very excellent park.

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