Friday, November 26, 2010




Article 1: Intro

In Bogota, there are a lot of malls, much of them are big, and are located in different parts of the city, as to get clients, and as to make people not have to go so far to arrive a mall. As already said, Bogota has a lot of malls, from ''Centro Comercial Gran Estacion'' to ''Centro Comercial Santa Fe''. These two are known because each one is located in the other part of the city. But in the city, if we go deeper we can find Unicentro that has the best parking lot of all the malls in Bogota, because its security and etc, anyway it is always full.

Theres also ''Centro Comercial Palatino'' that is known because it is just besides a place known as the ''La Calle Rosa'', it's a place where there are bars, and other delicious places to eat. But in generally, as already said, again, there are a lot of malls, there are: Atlantis, San Rafael, Ciudad Tunal, Hacienda Santa Barbara, Metropolis, Portal 80 P.H, Portoalegre, Salitre Plaza, San Martin, Santa Ana, The Andino and others, but this ones are the most important. Something interested is that Chia also has one, it is called Centro Chia.

In the malls people can find a lot of things, from clothes to technology, and kids can find from millions of toys to bed cars but in really expensive shops. There are some malls that have specially shops, I mean, some that sell more than others and that for that, they are bigger than the others. For Example, Falabella in Santa Fe is huge; it has 3 levels, or ARMI, also in Santa Fe, that has a good extension. Or Pepeganga in Unicentro, or Panamericana also in Unicentro. Until I know, evety mall mentioned before has a cinema, some bigger and best thatn others.

Artcile 2: Mi Point Of View and Personal Experience in Malls.

Well, is true that I mentioned a lot of Malls in Bogora before, but that doesn't means I have visited them all. Of all that ones I mentioned, I've only visited Unicentro, Santa Fe, Gran Estacion, San Rafael, Palatino and Metropolis. And well I liked them, personally, the one I most like is Unicentro, because, for me, it has the better cinema of all, also I like the shops, because, it has shops of all, I mean, I've bought techno things there, I have also bought clothes, food, books and etc, another thing I like is the small arcade it has inside, but is like for little children. And for Metropolis, Gran Estacion and San Rafael, I've visited them only one time, so that's why I don't have something good or bad to say about them. The only thing I know and remember, is that I didn't like the cinema of Palatino, because for me , it doesn't has good food for movies, food isn't all but, its imoportant in a movie.

Even I had passed good times in Malls, I've also passed embarassed times in them, especially in Unicentro. Like there was an ocassion in which I could buy my food by myself, but something got wrong and I made a big mistake. Another was that I was taking care for my sister in Pepeganga and accidently, I shocked my head  with the things that hold the toys, and a lor of toys fell. In Santa Fe, I' havent had accidents like the las ones. But I always repair my mistakes so nevermind.

In my opinion Unicentro is the most complete Mall in Bogota, bacause it has it all, but Santa Fe and the other malls are also pretty, pretty good, beacuse they can have the same shops, or different shops and sell sifferent things and all that, but I like Univentro because of its service and because it is not really, really big as the other ones, that some are huge, like Santa Fe and others.

Article 3: Outro

Finally in Bogota, there are a lot of Malls, each one in different locations, but for me, or until now, the ones I've visited are really, really cool, very cool, and if I' dont find something in one, I can go to other anf found it, that is the thing I most like of all the malls together. Each ones decides which are the best shops. restaurants and other business that will secure a high number of clients diary, and some have this hability morre evolutionated thatn others.

Also for me, the person who visits the Mall will have always the reason, no matter which mall he visits. I mean, the client has always the reason, do for me the person is free to decide which Mall is the best one, it can be because likes or dislikes, whatever, a person likes are unique and, well, Malls can't guilt them if they didn't like them or if they liked more another Mall, it will be the clients position towards that. In conclusion, Bogota's Malls are cool and constitute part of turism, famous, beauty and other characteristics of the city and thenselves. That's why Bogota is a coll city to visit, and not only the Bogota Malls, the biggest part of Colombian cities Malls are great, and they are small but good reasons to visit the country below itns nautre and natural neauty.

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