Monday, November 29, 2010

Festivals In Bogota

Some of the most recognized festivals celebrated here in Bogota include the Festival Iberoamericano De Teatro, Festival Internacional del Jazz, Festival: Rock Al Parque.
I had the opportunity to go and watch 2 presentations of the Italian people making the Festival Iberoamericano De Teatro 2010. I went in vacations with my dad, and my brother. Some minutes before the presentation begins, we were still looking for a sit! I was very stressed, but then we could find solution, and when it started, was amazing. It was at the Plaza de Los Toros, and the presentations were at the bottom part, were everybody could see them. At the beginning I was a little scared because there were no lights, but after some minutes lights started to appear with different colors following the artists. There were many activities joined together in 1 presentation. They danced and flied, and even they hanged from a little rope that was joined to a helicopter. I loved it!  Although I was almost crying before the presentation began, I felt much better when the artists began their presentation.
About the Festival Del Jazz. I haven’t been in this festival, but what I found was that it is celebrated in September. It is a musical encounter, were artists and people connect with music, with the jazz power. Bogotan people have been celebrating this festival since 1996, the year when it was created. It is celebrated at Simon Bolivar Park, Parque Nacional, Parque de la Independencia, Parque del Renacimiento, La Media Torta, and Parque de los Novios. It has been a good tourists-attraction. Seems good. I expect some day I could watch it by myself.
About the Festival del Rock: It was born in 1995, and in 2009 its 15th editions arrives. Since 2005 Rock al Parque Festival counts with its own space to the production of rock, known as “Carpa Distrito Rock”. Its main pourpose is to bring many rock artists, it is a festival concert. But this festival has brought many problems; when people gets inside there, they become crazy, drugging, kicking, hitting, fighting, dancing, destroying, they become uncontrollable.

Bogota also counts with other festivals such as hip hop al parque, salsa al parque, and festivals that celebrate colombian dance like the cumbia, el joropo, la puya, etc. Colombia has not lose its culture, because almost all festiavals represent colombia's history, personallity.

Festival salsa al paque is sometimes celebrated in the simon bolivar park, and it brings and gathers salsa singers and groups, like, fania all stars, marc anthony, la india, and more.

Festival hip hop al parque gathers hip hop artists like eminem, fifty cent(dont know how to write it), etc. Theres everything"al parque" you can hear at pop al parque, jazz al parque, and classical music if you want to. Colombia, and bogota has many festivals to offer you to enjoy.

Festivals article 3
Colombian festivals intension is to retake Colombia’s ancient culture, traditions, and customs. Some of those include old classical dances, and songs, with presentations. For example, Festival De Las Flores do not just include showing beautiful and wear flowers to the public, it gathers the typical dances of the region where it is celebrated, and it includes using dresses of dances like “The Cumbia” and the “Mapalé”.
There is also Festival de la Comida. In this festival, food from different places is collected and showed to people. People can eat everything typical from Colombia…any type of desserts, lunch, cookies, juices, etc.
And we cannot forget about Black and White people Festival. It is celebrated in honor to the Castañeda family; they were the ones who inaugurated this festival. The festival’s purpose is to show the world there is no discrimination from white people to white people and viceversal. During the festival people use to paint their faces with black or white painting, and some chose to use both colors.
By: Margarita Rey 8a

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