Thursday, November 25, 2010

Museums in Bogota

1st Article    

There are museums for each of us and they are out there waiting for you. They will show you what you like and what you want. There are museums for little children and even for a very specialized doctor, physician and astronomer. There are museums were you just go and see but there are others were you go and learn by touching, listening, looking, smelling and even tasting this ones are really cool and make you feel you are part of the exhibition. This is how Bogota’s museums are like:
If you are a parent and want your children to learn and have fun there are two places you make take them: The Children's Museum of Bogota and Maloka. These places have didactic machines that will actually make understand the whole thing and make them laugh and have fun.
If you like collecting coins and bills there is a place called “The Coin House” where there are kept all the coins and bill that were made in the last two hundred years. You will see how the heavy gold coins evolved to a little plastic rectangle called a credit card.
There is a great place that is known as the District Planetarium were there are exhibitions about astronomy. Better than watching pictures and reading about planets it is to see the Milky Way moving by animations and the earth rotation reflected in a huge dome around you.
There are many ways of learning something but the best one is to feel it on you. This is the ways that will make you understand better everything. This will help to enlarge the curiosity you have in yourself and in the future there will be a you who know lots of stuff and how to transmit it to the others.

2nd Article

Bogota is the capital city of Colombia. It was founded in the year 1538 by three Spaniards: Gonzalo Jimenez de Quezada, Sebastian de Belalcazar y Nicolas de Federman. As it is too old, the city has been the setting of many events that decided the future of the country and even the one of the huge region known as Latin-America.

At the beginning Bogotá was known as Bacatá and was a huge territory inhabited by the Muiscas, indigenous group that lived in the region of Bogota and its surroundings. The indigenous group leaved, before disappearing, treasures and tools. This collection has been named the “Museo Del Oro” and is safety kept by the principal and national bank of the country. Also there are other places such as Casa Del Marqués de San Jorge.

In the early 1800’s Bogota was the main setting of the movement of the Independence. The story says that some Americans were asking a Spaniard for a Flower Pot. The Spaniard denied and the Flower Pot broke up.  Taking this as a reason the Americans began what is now known as the Neogranadian Process of Independence. The items that were collected of these movements and its causes and precedents are kept in many museums as: The Museum of Colonial Art, Quinta de Bolivar, Casa Museo Francisco José de Caldas and the Museum of Independence.

Another decisive situation was the “Bogotaso”. It was, I should say, the most violent event ever happened in this city. A leader was murdered by the opposite political party and the whole city revolved. All the people where armed and there was a huge confusion. The “Casa Museo Jorge Eliecer Gaitan” keeps the goods of the leader and all the documentation of the event (newspaper, pictures, and recordings).

Bogota is a very old city and keeps too many information and items that are based in our past. It is not as just to read and listen history lessons but to try it, see it and why not touch it. That is the importance of the historic museums and what they have for us. So why not to go out and explore them and find or learn something you didn’t know.
3rd Article

Such as in the big capitals of the world, Bogota is a city with many museums and art galleries. It offers exactly 58 museums and 70 art galleries. If you are interested in a special school of artists, you may research, and I am sure you will find the museum specialized in the topic you want or need. The variety of museums goes from the pre-Hispanic age up to the 21st century.
If you are interested in the pre-Hispanic art there are lots of museums and galleries were the tools and items of the indigenous groups are kept. There are museums such as the “Museo Del Oro” that has over 35 thousand items of gold, along with 30 thousand ceramic and stone items and tools. There are other places such as the “Casa del Marqués de San Jorge”.

There is a museum that is based in the Colombian colonization that is named the Colonial Art Museum. It has Christian art and golden piece that were made during the colony times.

Also there is a great museum that has 123 works of Fernando Botero. He is an important Colombian painter whose work and paintings are characterized by the fat people and their beautifulness.
Bogota is one of the greatest cities in the world and is a place where you can enrich your culture and learn things taking a look on them and realizing all details they have. It is great to see stuff, tool, items and work that were seen by hundreds of people in the past. Maybe the painter, designer or goldsmith is death, physically, but his ideas and beliefs are still alive and written in the only language that can be understood by a 3 years old child, The Art.  

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