Monday, November 29, 2010


Article 1: Einführung(Introduction)

In Bogota, Colombia there are a lot of cinemas. And the great part of them, or the most known are located and inside a mall.All of them have a place, or not a place, is like a type or feception, in which you buy the tickets, sometimes there are two or three persons that attend you.

Also, until I know, every cinema in Bogota has a food bar, I mean, a place also in the entramce, where there are also like seven or less persons that sell food to you for your movie. You can buy popcorn, nachos, hot dogs, and some drinks, in some cinema shops, you can buy things like chocolate or things like Doritos or something like that.

In Bogota, there are really good cinemas, from the excellent cinema of Unicentro to the giant cinema player located in IMAX, and of you didn't knew, IMAX cinema is the second cinema player in the world, it is giant, and the ebst thing is that sometimes there are movies in 3-D. Well, Bogota cinemas aren't the best ones of the world, but for me, are the best ones of Colombia.,

Article 2: Meine Point Of View und Personal Expirience (My Point of View and Personal Experience)

Well, for me, the cinemas in Bogota are really, really good, I like the food they sell, the service and the huge space they have. A thing that I don't like about them is that they are really fulll, I mean, there is not a single day in which you go to a cinema and it is not full, specially the days when the Cinema projects a movie for the first time, like the actually Harry Potter or Saw 3D, movies like them.

For me, the best cinema in Bogota, is the one of Unicentro, because, even its the must full, is the best one for me, because of their food, service, hours to project a movie, they planed really good the times of each movie. Also I like the one can call from the house to the cinema, and buy the tickest. Thats really cool. One thing I don't like is that the movies that are not Colombian, always came 5 days after the first day after launch, I hate that. 

In the cinemas I have had an excellent experience, but I had also had bad ones. First the good ones. One day, when I was with my mom and my brother finishing the movie, I saw a person that I thinked I knew. And yes, it was a very old friend taht I never saw in a very ling time. Also there was an oportunity in which the cashier, re-filled us the popcorns, because we had to wait a long time for the movie, I liked taht. In bad experiences I have some too. First the clasically, one time I dropped all the food going up-stairs, wel all the food no, My food!. Also when I was seeing a movie, I wanted to go to the bathroom, but I didn't because there were playing the creditsa and an employee told us there was an extra scene, so when we saw the scene, I passed a long time in the bathroom. 

Article 3: Fazit (Conclusions)

Well, as already said before, Bogota doesn't has the best cinemas i the world, but for me, Bogota has them in Colombia. The must of them have a really good service, very good food, and play very good movies. Employees are gentle with me and as I see with all the clients. They have good schedule for the movies, and etc. They know how to bring more people to them, as I know, the giant posters in the parking lots, or inside the cinema call the attetion of a very high number of people that will come to see a movie. 

For me, as already said, Unicentro has the best one, but we do not forget the cinemas of Santa Fe, IMAX, Palatino, well, I don't like too much the cinmea of Palatino, but it is not really bad, all of them are good, but some more than others. it's good to see that Colombia has good cinemas, and it has a good presentation for turists when they come, if they come to see a movie a day, they will be impresionated with the good service and presentation of the Colombian cinemas, and for me, with the Bogota ones. 

To conclude, cinemas are awesome, good space, food, employment, all they hace is good. The only thing I think that cinemas should work on, not all, but the must of them, are the bathrooms, some bathrooms, are horrible, beacuse, they are not clean, they have ``pis`` in the toillets, and other thing. But, taking into account all the benefits that cinemas give to us, its a really good experience to go and see a movie there. And for the people that don't live in Bogota, don't worry, cities like Bucaramanga, Medellin, and Quindio have also excellent cinema with really good service.

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