Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bogota Restaurants

1st Article

Do you know where to eat in your City?

Bogota, Colombia has lots of restaurants, bars and coffee shops. It can be said that not all of them are good in the hygiene. You have got to be careful to choose the restaurant where you are eating. You may want a healthy and clean food. Don’t put your family in risk of intoxication. If I have to recommend you restaurants I would tell you to go to some places I will call Restaurant Districts.
This is the expression I use to refer to a specific location were there are many different restaurant, near each other. In the list of the Restaurant Districts are places as:
·         Zona Rosa
·         Zona T
·         Usaquen
·         La 93
·         Centro Internacional
·         Zona G
·         And many others

In these Restaurant Districts you can find food from different places in the world such as China, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Japan, Peru, Argentina, France, USA, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Colombia. You can find cheap and expensive restaurants where prices for any budget.
Some restaurants are attended by their owner and some are chains of theme restaurant such as Hard Rock CafĂ©, Pizza Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken.  Some of them are fancy and elegant. So choose your preferences.

2nd Article
What do you want for meal tonight?
If you want to eat something expensive, rare and delicious, in an elegant place you might rather restaurants as La Fragata or San Isidro. 
If you want something expensive, rare and delicious but not elegant you may go to La Pesquera Jaramillo or Andres Carne de Res.
If you want something not too expensive, rare and delicious then go to Crepes and Waffles, Hard Rock Cafe or El Corral Gourmet.
Or maybe you want something cheap, normal and delicious you must go to Pizza Hut, Mc Donald’s, KFC or Kokoriko.
I am sure you will find a perfect restaurant to have a wonderful dinner where you can pay by cash, credit card, debit card or checks.  You might to pay in Colombian Currency or dollars.
If you are not sure of your specific conditions or selections I recommend you to go walking by one Restaurant District, you can go the nearest one, watch out for special one that attracts you. Look carefully the menu (take in count allergies and food restrictions) and decide if that’s The Place.
NOTE:  Usually the tip in Colombia is 10% of the total price, it is included in the ticket but it is voluntary.

3rd Article
Last week I visited Usaquen Restaurant District in order to make a selection of some restaurants which have good taste and service.  The prices are most of the cases are  more moderated, not too cheap but not too expensive.
First I went to Patagonia.  It is a delicious place to eat Argentina´s Food.  The meat selection and quality is excellent.  The decoration makes you feel like if you where in Argentina with Soccer and Tango stuff all around you.   I recommend “Bife de Chorizo”.

Then I visited Alfredo Bistro. Although this is a French restaurant where you can find a delicious “Fillet Mignon”, there are dishes that are considered a mix of Italian and French cuisine.  The decoration is simple and modern.

The next one I visited was La Biferia.  It is also Argentina’s food but with an elegant and light decoration.  Any traditional cut of meat is prepared in the grill with your terms of cooking. I took a Churrasco with Chimichurri.  I loved it.

On Wednesday, I went to The Irish Pub. Obviously I was not going to have an alcoholic drink but I enjoyed the place and food.  The decoration was full of clovers; there were pictures and logos many traditional industries and beers.

On Thursday I visited 80 Sillas.  It is a fusion Restaurant.  The main dishes are Ceviche Peruano and Cocktails.   The decoration is simple and modern and I liked the gas chimneys heating the whole place.

On Friday I went to favorite restaurant in this district, Mi Calle. Maybe is because the spicy and hot food or because its decoration that makes allegory to a typical and traditional “Pueblo” in Mexico.  The decoration has lots details and painting of Frida Kahlo.  There is a representative market and other places. I love the Fajitas and Burritos.

This is just a little bit of the restaurants found in the nearest district I have. You can watch out for many different foods but better than reading this blog, go to and explore yourself the restaurants in Bogotá.  Make your own list and recommend your partner and friends to do the same and enjoy.

By: Alejandro Ramos

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