Friday, September 24, 2010


In Neighboorhood Cantabria, I could see a lot of buildings, very tall. And it is not so big, stores are very close among them. Houses are similar.
In neighnoorhood Mazuren, I could see a lot of buldings too,there are many similar. There was a mall called Mazuren. Most of the buildings were called as the neighboorhoodbut with numbers. There were Mazuren 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15..etc. It is very beautiful, clean, organized and it has enough space, lots of parks too.
In neighboorhood San Cipriano, I could see that in street 167 there were lots of stores, comerial places, and it is very small. Houses and buildings are not so big, but if you nee something urgent difficult to find out, you can get it there.
In neigboorhood Versalles,well it was very close to Mazuren they are similar. Same characteristics, and large parks.
In neighboohood Victoria Norte, I could see lots of builings, very close, and it is not so big too.
In neighboorhood Cedritos, I could see it had good space, it is big, there are lots of houses and malls. Cedritos Mall is large and in the entrance there's a big amount of games.
In neighboorhood Unicentro, I could see there were lots of buildings, and Unicentro Mall, which is famous and big. If you are searching for a Skittles place, then you can go to Unicentro mall.
Neighboorhood Villa del Prado is very cose to Santafe Mall, it has a good amount of green zones and has lots of big houses.
Neighboorhood Puente Largo has the Suba Avenue, which is very large.
By Margarita Rey

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