Sunday, December 5, 2010



1st Article
Bogotá is very big city that is the capital city of Colombia.  It was founded in the year 1538 by the Spaniards named Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada, Sebastian de Belalcazar y Nicolas de Federman.
By the time years and centuries, Bogotá started growing by the surroundings of the Plaza de Bolivar, the place where the city was founding.  But in others places of the Sabana there were founded d so many towns and villages all around the growing city. These ones grew so fast and by some decades they had connected and mixed with Bogotá.  As Bogota was more important, the city actually absorbed the others ones.

At the beginning the city could just be managed by an only major but it grew so big and it was very difficult to be governed by one person.  So, taking in count the old towns that were taking by the city the city government decided to divide the city in some groups of neighborhoods that were called “localidades” or locations. Each locality has one minor mayor that is selected by the principal mayor. That person acts like a mayor in the designed area.

Right now the city is divided into 20 locations. The biggest one is Sumapaz and the smallest is La Candelaria. The locations are divided in the UPZ (Unidades de Planeamiento Zonal) that means zonal planning units that are divided in neighborhoods.


2nd Article

As I live in Usaquen, I will write some about my location. It is a very big location that takes the northeast of the capital city and has some of the best malls and schools. It is a really great place to live because you have shops and supermarkets really close to you.
It has one of the Restaurant Districts named previously, where there are restaurants that have food from world-wide gastronomy. There are museums such as the Chico Museum. It has the Country Club too where you can practice tennis and golf. There are many historical places such as the Hacienda Santa Barbara Mall and the Santa Barbara Church.

As I was explaining in the article Usaquen was one of the growing cities that were absorbed by the city of Santa Fe de Bogota. It used to be an indigenous settlement but then was a town. It is now one of the most important locations of the city.

One important place in this locality is the “Mercado de las Pulgas” or the Flea Market where you can get handcrafts and art for your house or for someone. It is a street full of tents where there is people selling cool stuff and products.

What do you know from your location?

3rd Article

La Candelaria is the smallest location of the city, but is the most important one. It was the first one to be founded and has the starting plaza been the three Spaniards met and placed Santa Fe de Bogota. It is very important and has many historical buildings and many documents, pictures, paintings and items.

This was the setting of the Cry of Independence in the year 1810 and the place where the Bogotaso happened in the year 1948. The president of the nation and the mayor of the city live there. It has lots of museums and restaurants. This location has one of the most important theaters of Latin-American that is known as the Teatro Colon and it is too old but it is really well conserved with all the luxury and items it ever happened to have.

This location is an obligated attraction for any tourist that is coming to the city. It is so small but too important and full of attractions that it may not be done and visited in only one day, because of every place you might go and attend to the explanation done by a well-prepared guide that will show you every item, aspect or detail you just can see at first sight and its definition or interpretation.

Merry Christmas and the bests wiches from BOGOTA D.C

Monuments History

Monument’s History

1st Article
  As the capital of our country, Bogota is one of the cities with most historical importance in the continent because it was the main setting of the Colony, Independence and of the Bogotaso Movement. There are also many modern-styled sculptures distributed and located all around the city. These events had been represented and commemorated in sculptures, statues and buildings all around our city in places we use to go. But sometimes we don’t realize what piece of our historical puzzle we have under our noses.

The Discovery of the Americas for me is one of the most important events in the world history. That’s why in the street that drives you to the airport there are to statues in one plaza. One of them represents Christopher Columbus and the other one is the queen Elizabeth of Castile.



In the Candelaria we have one statue representing the city founder, Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada that came here in the year 1538 to the Sabana. In these sectors we also have other colonial monuments such as lots of churches and cathedrals. There are also many haciendas such as the Hacienda Santa Barbara.

From the Independence we have representations, sometimes abstract, of the leaders and characters of our process to get freedom and liberty from the Spain. There are from Simón Bolívar, Francisco de Paula Santander, Camilo Torres, and Policarpa Salavarrieta.

Our history is our city, how it looks and what it has.

2nd Article

    The independence of the New Granada was a process done by lots of characters that were from many diverse social classes fighting against the big difference on the rights and preferences that Spaniards had over the other social classes.

One of these ones was Simon Bolivar. Who was born in Caracas. The place where Bogota was founded now bears the name Plaza Bolívar. There is an Italian sculpture made in the middle XIX’s that shows this hero stand up. There is also a place called “Templete al Libertador” in the “Parque de los Periodistas”

Other one of those was Francisco de Paula Santander. He was one of the leaders that helped us to get our independence. There is a statue in the Santander Park in the Candelaria commemorating him.
At last but not least, there was one woman whose name was Policarpa Salavarrieta. She was born in the village of Guaduas and she was one of the only women who helped in this movement. There is a monument that shows her tied on a chair when she was murdered in the Spanish reconquest of the New Granada.
There are hundreds of monuments of these characters all around the city. Just take a look and realize what they are and its importance in our history of our city, country, continent or even the whole world.
3rd Article

Bogota is a city of the twenty one century; it is being furnished and styled with the art and the sculptures that show abstract settings, characters and items. This type of arte is known for being simple, light to the sight, cheap and sometimes colorful. This is known as the school of the Modern Art.

One of the most important representative streets, I would say highway actually, is the Dorado Avenue. It is full of big buildings, banks and there is where the newspaper El Tiempo is edited and printed. All the way down to the airport is full of beautiful iron and steel monuments that show daily life items and activities.

In the 7th avenue with 100th street we have a little monument for Mahatma Gandhi because of the way he won the independency for India from the United Kingdom. This way was peaceful and without many dead and murdering.

One campaign the city is doing is to place metal trees all around the city that are painted sometimes randomly or sometimes with a special theme. LOOK FOR’EM!


Article 1:

Do you know why Bogota is so cool?.......Because its entertainment has no limits!!!
You must come to Bogota to see our entertainment places like our amusement park, Salitre Magico, the funniest place in all Colombia!!!!
It is located at the 63rd Street with 48th Avenue, with 30 attractions; 10 of high impact, 15 for kids and 5 for the whole family. It was founded in 1973 with the original name of “Parque el Salitre”.
There are also aquatic attractions, and the park is a neighbor of Cici Acuapark, that is an aquatic park with 500,000 cubic cm of water.
I liked very much going to the park, and I hope I can go again.
In my personal opinion, the Salitre Magico is a very good reason for coming to Bogota, because is the best amusement park in the entire world.

Article 2:

A good entertainment place of Bogota is also the natural reserve, the Botanic Garden!!!!!!!!
The Botanic Garden is a place in which the quantity of different plants is infinite!! It is a beautiful Garden were the people an enjoy a peaceful walk, or it is also the perfect place for the biology lovers, because of the variety of plants, and it is a good place for schools’ excursions, because there you can learn a lot. It is located at the 63rd Street with 68th Avenue, and my experience there was good, because I learned of plants and entertained at the same time, and I also saw some plants that were very strange.
In my opinion, the Botanic Garden is a great place for entertainment and learning of plants, and I recommend it to you, because I think that it’s awesome!!!!

Article 3:

Bogota has many funny entertainment places like malls, cinemas, thematic parks, and many other things, and also there are entertaining activities like the Ciclovia, a bike route made the Sundays for some exercise, or you can go walking, and the cars cannot enter in that way.
The great malls like Unicentro, Santafe, Centro Andino and all that are the indicate places for you, because of the shops, the cinemas, the games zones, etc, and I’m sure that you will like it; I like it very much, and I want to go again.
I went to the Bowling of Unicentro, to Divercity (a game zone in Santafe), to the cinemas and the malls and the only thing that I have to say is that Bogota is the funniest city in the world, and will have a greater entertainment than any place of the world.
In my opinion, Bogota has many different places for entertainment, but in all of them you will find a fun without limits. I liked it very much and I recommend it to you.